Tuesday, May 19, 2020

My Role At Glenwood Studios - 899 Words

Glenwood Place Studios provided various services such as tracking and mixing music for top artist in the music industry. 1500orNothin focuses more on producing and composing music for clients. My role at Glenwood Studios was to make sure everything looked great and was in order before the artist came in the studio. My task consisted of mostly cleaning the studio, sweeping the front court, making coffee and running errands. At 1500orNothin my role was more of an assisted engineer than cleaning the studio for majority of the day. My task consisted of assisting the engineers, tracking vocals, engineering session and organized files. Company’s strengths opportunities Glenwood While interning at Glenwood it is easy to see with their clientele that the believe in working in excellence. That hard working attitude is shown by the studio Kit, and she makes that everybody working there has same mindset as her. Glenwood is home to some of the top artist in the world. My greatest challenge while working at Glenwood was choosing the perfect time to clean while not disturbing the clients and being in their space. At the studio we strive to make sure the clients feel at home and fell as comfortable as possible for them to make the best music they can possibly make. 1500orNothin While interning at 1500orNothin I have seen just had important making connections and being ready can be within the music industry. Aside from the work that I have done while interning here which I will go

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